Search Results for "mushrooms"

rainbow Buddha bowl
Main delights

The rainbow Buddha bowl (vegan)

Imagine choosing your favorite fresh and cooked whole foods and combining them on a single plate. That’s Buddha bowl. Needless to say, I am a major fan of the concept. And for many reasons, with the first one being the fact that you’re bounded only by your imagination. Anything from fresh or cooked veggies to […]

how to plan healthy meals

How to plan your week of healthy meals

If only I had a dime every time I was asked at work, during meals of course, “When do you find the time to prepare this?!”. Honestly, I would have plenty of dimes! Why was I asked this on so many occasions? Because I almost always bring my own lunch to work (and have been […]

mixed mushroom goulash
Main delights

Aromatic mixed mushroom goulash (vegan)

Even though it’s vegan, this mixed mushroom goulash is extremely satisfying for everyone, including meat lovers. With red wine, veggies, and right aromatic herbs, you get a truly indulging dish that is best served with a creamy celery puree. The recipe suggests combining shitake, champignons, and oyster mushrooms. You can, of course, try another mixture, […]

creamy mushroom pasta
Main delights

Creamy white wine & mushroom pasta

You don’t have to be a mushroom lover to be amazed by this recipe. But if you are, creamy white wine and mixed mushroom pasta is a must-try! For the recipe, you can combine different kinds of mushrooms that you like. I’ve used champignons, chestnut mushrooms, and shiitake, but chanterelle, oyster and porcini mushrooms are […]