Search Results for "mushrooms"

saffron chickpea with hazelnuts

The five plant-based protein hero foods

I’m a vegetarian with a gradual introduction of more plant-based foods in the diet, instead of animal products such as cheese and eggs. And in that venture, I’ve found the right protein intake to be crucial. I have no problem getting my fat (thanks to coconut or avocado) or carbs intake. Oh, especially carbs. Lately, […]

vegan mushroom risotto
Main delights

Creamy vegan mixed mushroom & spinach risotto

Risotto is one of those fantastic meals you can always turn to, as it is easy to make, nutritious and very open for experimentations. This creamy mixed mushroom vegan risotto is a great lunch or dinner, packed with nutrients and memorable aromas. Traditionally, risotto is made with special Arborio rice, which you’re supposed to cook […]

what to do with food remains

The reusing philosophy: what to do with food leftovers

The global food waste problem needs no introduction. It has probably happened to all of us: we let a fruit, veggie, or even a whole meal end up in the bin because it went completely bad. But before we let it get into to waste, let’s rethink what to do with food remains. Category 1: […]

how to cook couscous

How to cook couscous – the simplest way

Couscous, a star ingredient of many delicious Middle Eastern dishes, is famous for its subtle, almost sweet taste and versatility in cooking. It is a great base for salads, you can use it for stuffing peppers or mushrooms, even for a delightful pudding (recipe coming soon). However, if you do not cook it properly, instead […]