The five plant-based protein hero foods

saffron chickpea with hazelnuts

I’m a vegetarian with a gradual introduction of more plant-based foods in the diet, instead of animal products such as cheese and eggs. And in that venture, I’ve found the right protein intake to be crucial. I have no problem getting my fat (thanks to coconut or avocado) or carbs intake. Oh, especially carbs.

Lately, it’s been a festival of meals like creamy, irresistible gnocchi and raw cakes at my house. Before it takes the tool on my figure, I decided to turn to more proteins for dinner and, as mentioned, plant-based ones if possible. Here are some of the plant-based protein superheroes or best sources for your and your family’s diet, accompanied by some fantastic, easy-to-make recipes.


No list of plant-based protein sources should be peanuts-free. If you’re not a fan or simply allergic, skip this paragraph (or just turn to, say, almonds 🙂 ). Luckily, it’s not the case with me; I love incorporating peanuts in different forms and combinations into my snacks, salads, main meals, and desserts. Because of the high percentage of fat (most of it good, though), I tend not to overdo it, but still, peanuts are a star of many dishes I make and eat such as vegan Pad-Thai, raw cakes, salads like this one with red cabbage and carrots or the spectacular creamy chickpea peanut butter curry.

chickpeas in peanut sauce
Or chickpeas in crunchy peanut sauce with peas and dried tomatoes. Get the recipe here.


My experience says many people, including vegetarians, detest tofu. I honestly can’t tell why, as I love its spongy texture and possibility to turn into anything you want, from a cake to a crispy snack. It is especially delicious when prepared in an air fryer, which creates a delightful crust outside and leaves the inside munchy.

Whether you’re a fan or not, try to include more of this important plant-based source of complete protein into your diet, especially as a star of a light dinner meal full of spices and veggies. Apart from one of the most famous tofu-based recipes, such as this delicious and simple vegan Pad-Thai, give it a go as a part of a colorful Buddha Bowl or as a main ingredient of a creamy and spicy pasta dish. I highly recommend chewy tofu pasta with mushrooms, vegetables, and Chinese spices ⬇️

tofu pasta with veggies
Give this rainbow colored pasta a try


Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are among the most popular meal ingredients on this blog and my plate, of course. I already dedicated a detailed post with proposals and inspirations on how to include more of these health-baring beans into your diet, instead of leaving it to the hummus level. Chickpeas are so much more than that, and here are just some of the recipes to support this claim:

Vegan oven-baked broccoli pakora with chickpea flour

Roasted spicy chickpea salad with avocado dressing

Yummy blueberry chickpea muffins and pancakes

Aromatic saffron chickpea with hazelnuts

Crispy oven-baked falafel with spring onions


Apart from being protein-rich, lentils have the reputation of being very simple and quick to make. Whether you’re going for red, yellow, green, the cooking time is truly short, the possibilities are endless and all the benefits for your health are there. I usually go for red lentils, which I rinse thoroughly before cooking; there are my most used safe-meal, that is, the dish I prepare fast when I am out of ideas, time, or other groceries.

Enjoy lentils in a salad, like this one with figs and walnuts, soup, or simply cook them with some veggies and, of course, a palette of your favorite spices.

red lentil balls
A lentil falafel? Yes, please!


Another star category of my daily diet. If you search mushrooms on this website (here you go 😉 ), you will find a plethora of funghi based or inspired recipes. From champignons to porcini and shiitake, from protein-packed spread featuring sunflower seeds to gnocchi, goulash, and calzone, mushrooms can be easily added to an endless number of delicious and protein-rich meals. Mixed mushroom and walnut burgers already became legendary among my friends and real comfort food. So this time I would like to be traditional and propose a mixed mushroom risotto which, if you’re looking out for your carb intake, you can easily optimize by using quinoa or buckwheat instead of (whole-grain) rice.

vegan mushroom risotto
A mushroom lover’s dream

To conclude

These are just some of the plant-based protein sources I deem to be superheroes and I eat constantly. They deserve to be on my list as they are versatile, easy to make, affordable, and of course, tasty. For a more complete list, check out this source.

How to know if your body protein levels are optimal? For me, it’s always a blood test, which I take regularly to make sure my body has enough of this essential nutrient, especially when I am active.

How do you insure the right plant-based protein in your diet? Do share advices and recipes!