How to make rice milk

Rice milk is creamy budget-friendly vegan milk

If you have decided to give the wholefood concept a go, you need to start removing processed foods from your life. This may be a difficult step as we are all relying on quick fixes – which is exactly what canned and pre-prepared goods offer. However, the difference for your health and wellbeing is truly worth the while.

Speaking of which, there are two main challenges for everyone who buys and uses processed goods:

  1. Lack of the time to prepare your own version of spaghetti sauce, sandwich spread, almond milk;
  2. Lack of knowledge/experience to do the same.

As for challenge number 1 – much like any task in life, it is just a matter of (good) time management. If you buy a can of red beans, for example, it will come with added salt, sugar, preservatives and whatnot. If you decide to cook your own, it will take 2 mins to pour water over it and leave to soak overnight and then another 5 to transfer into a pot the next day and occasionally check if it’s cooked. I wrote a more detailed post on healthy food planning and preparation.

Challenge number 2 is easy to overcome – just follow websites like this one 😉

Which brings us to the main topic of the post: how to make your rice milk. I tend to say this a lot, but only because it’s true. You won’t believe how easy it is! There is just one downside to homemade rice milk. Unlike the store-bought type, your homemade rice milk is completely natural, so it should be used within 3 days from preparation.

how to make rice milk - oatmeal
Use your rice milk for anything from oat meal to cookies and salty food preparation

There are two ways to prepare it: the method I use is with soaking the rice overnight. If you want to skip that and accelerate the process, then soak the rice into hot water for two or more hours.

Choose whichever rice kind you like or have. I am mostly using jasmine rice, but it really makes little or no difference to the end result. As for the flavor – since I use this rice milk for both sweet and savory meals, I never add sweeteners nor aromas. Just plain old rice and filtered water.

Ready to make you own rice milk? Here’s how!

How to make rice milk

Recipe by Tamara DutinaDifficulty: Super-easy


Prep time



Learn how to prepare 2-ingredients homemade rice milk which is perfect for everything from oatmeals to cookies and dough. Determine your own level of creaminess by controlling the amount of rice per 1 l of water.


  • 200 gr rice, raw

  • 1 liter filtered water


  • Soak the rice in cold or lukewarm water overnight. If you wish to accelerate the preparation, soak it into hot water (not boiling) for around 2 hours.
  • Drain the rice, rinse couple of times and transfer into a strong blender. Pour the 1 liter of filtered water.
  • Pulse for several minutes on high power mode.
  • Strain with a vegan milk bag or a cloth.
    how to make rice milk
  • Pour into a glass bottle and store in the fridge. Use within 3 days.