How to make coconut milk

This 2-ingredient recipe for homemade coconut milk will push you away from the ready-made stuff. For good. And with a good reason (or three)!

Flirting with veganism, which is what I have been doing for quite some time, showed me which vegetarian foods I miss the most. Milk was never among them. After trying homemade coconut milk, I am one tasty step closer to becoming a vegan.

If you hate coconut, this blog post isn’t for you 🙂 May I recommend exploring rice milk, for example. However, if you cherish the tropical nut as much as I do, homemade coconut milk will blow you away.

There are several reasons for that: the first one is the taste. By following the ratio recommended in this recipe, you will get a beverage with thick consistency, almost yogurt-like. If you use more water, that’s fine, too. It really depends on the richness you’re going for.

how to make coconut milk

You can enrich the 2-ingredient recipe with vanilla extract, cinnamon, dates, what not… Or you can make true coconut milk and flavor it according to the purpose, from coffee to coconut curry 😉 However, as it is full of fat, don’t overdo with the consumption of coconut milk!

I made coconut milk several times. Usually, I used more water on 1/2 of the fresh coconut, however, this ratio hits the spot. Prepared like this, homemade coconut milk will significantly enrich your coffee or tea; it will not go unnoticed when added to a cake or a savoury Asian dish. In other words, it beats the store-bought flavor any day of the week. And big time.

The second reason to love this recipe is for being inline with a whole foods-based diet. Removing processed groceries from the shopping list – or at least, reducing them dramatically – should be everybody’s goal. Just think about your health. And with coconut milk like this one, you can’t really pull the I don’t have the time to prepare from scratch excuse.

Which brings me to the third item of the “pro” list. Simplicity. To prepare it, you will need a blender and a vegan nut bag or a cloth you will use for straining the milk (invest in one, it is well-worth it). That’s pretty much it.

Ah yes, not to forget. What you will be left with is also the coconut “meat” or pulp, which will resemble desiccated coconut, but greasy. Use it to make fantastic coco-hazelnut puffs, or add it to your oatmeal 🙂

Let’s dive into the creamy world of homemade coconut milk!

How to make coconut milk

Difficulty: Super-easy


Prep time



Forget about store-bought coconut milk. The real stuff is rich, creamy and usable for every delight you make – from cookies to Indian food.


  • 1/2 of fresh coconut

  • 0.7 l filtered water


  • Cut the coconut into pieces and place into a blender.
  • Add the filtered water and pulse until they combine completely. For about 2 mins or so.
  • Use a cloth or a nut milk bag to strain the liquid.
  • Refrigerate and use within 3 days.