How To

When I was thinking about the structure of this website, the How To category was a must. Welcome to a place where you can find guides, tips, and tricks for simple yet healthy food preparation. All with a goal to demystify many cooking aspects many find complicated and start widening your cooking world.

how to plan healthy meals

How to plan your week of healthy meals

Eating healthy every day demands less preparation thank you may think. Learn a few hacks for quick and simple weekly meal preparation for the whole family.

how to make rice milk

How to make rice milk

If you’ve been avoiding to prepare your own plant-based milk thinking it is a drag, this post is for you. Learn how to prepare perfectly creamy rice milk at home.

how to sprout buckwheat

How to sprout buckwheat

Introduce the ultimate superfood into your diet – homemade, too. Better to say – home sprouted. Learn how to make buckwheat sprouts.