Author: Tamara Dutina

homemade quinoa crackers
Snacks and side dishes

Homemade mixed quinoa crackers

It is very interesting to experiment with different cereals and discover a variety of characters. I used to use only wheat for preparing crackers. Then I discovered spelt (again, a type of wheat but healthier) and loved how easy it is for baking. Oat is also among my favorites. However, after I’ve successfully made a […]

homemade rice crackers
Snacks and side dishes

Easy crunchy homemade rice crackers

You have cooked more rice than you needed? Great, turn it into savory crackers! Try a completely different snacking experience with easy homemade rice crackers. They are completely minimalistic when it comes to ingredients and preparation, but extremely delightful to munch alone or with a glass of wine. Preparing these crackers really means seasoning cooked […]