choc cherry bonbons

Irresistible crisp choc cherry bonbons

Croccant choc cherry bonbons were made by accident – I was actually going for homemade chocolate with cacao nibs. Just as I started making it, I realized I had a better idea – a little homage to the famous chocolate and cherry combination. One of my favorites!

When my sister, who prefers regular desserts and sweets, gave this recipe a 10 out of 10, I had a final confirmation that this can be proudly served to anyone. Vegans, non-vegans, those with a sweet tooth and those who avoid sugar. The sourness of cherry and the bitterness of the cocoa nibs prevent these bonbons of being too sweet; the perfect balance is achieved with rich cacao butter combined with a sweetener of your choice.

As for the sweetener – opt for a syrupy type such as maple, date or agave syrup. It will act as a filling, making this dessert even more delightful.

If you prefer, you can also try adding a tablespoon of raw cacao powder to the butter. I’ve skipped it – this time 🙂

Needless to emphasize that this treat deserves to be tagged as good for you, given that it bursts with antioxidants from the raw cacao nibs and vitamins from cherries. However, cocoa butter is packed with fatty acids and represents a true caloric boom. Bear this in mind and limit yourself to just a few of these stunning treats per day. Even though it will be very difficult, I can promise you that!

Speaking of which, the amount given below makes around 20 choc cherry bonbons. Depending on the size of the ice tray you will use, it can be less or more.

Crisp choc cherry bonbons

Course: DessertDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



This recipe celebrates the traditionally amazing chocolate and cherry combination with a croccante style texture for pure enjoyment. The dessert requires no previous day preparations but has to be frozen before serving.


  • 100 gr cocoa butter

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

  • Cacao nibs, a handful

  • Fresh of frozen cherries

  • Maple syrup or a sweetener of your choice


  • Steam-melt the cocoa butter. Add the sweetener while melting the butter. Toss in the cacao nibs and keep stirring.
  • After the mixture has boiled, remove it from the heat and stir in the coconut oil. Let it all cool for a few moments.
  • Transform the mixture into a chopper or a food processor and blend until you’re happy with the texture of cacao nibs. You will notice the nibs separating from the melted butter. 
  • Use the ice tray to pour and shape your bonbons.
  • Place a cherry in each ice cube spot in the tray. Pour the melted cacao butter on each bonbon, and then do the same with the cacao nibs.
  • Place the bonbons into the freezer for at least an hour and enjoy the deliciousness! 

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