gnocchi with tomatoes

Creamy Gnocchi with caramelized onion and tomatoes

Best recipes are often the simplest. This is just the case with this rich caramelized onion and tomatoes gnocchi, one of my favourite quick dishes I turn to when I crave juicy and creamy Italian-style meal.

It takes a little time and just a few simple ingredients you probably have lying around in the fridge, to prepare this delicious recipe. Even though I am a fan of experimenting and always tend to add some twist to a recipe, this one I never changed. Simply, there is no need! When you cook tomatoes with onions and herbs in butter and combine them with gnocchi covered in heavy cream, you can’t expect less than a truly rich meal which is best served hot and for lunch.

gnocchi with mushrooms

A fan of gnocchi?

Don’t miss Gnocchi with mushroom, tomato, and zucchini in a creamy sauce!

This delicious gnocchi is vegetarian; however, if you switch the butter and cream into a vegan option, the dish will be equally irresistible.

If you’re looking for ways to further enrich this dish, my suggestion would be to add a few pieces of mozzarella cheese to gnocchi baking in the cream. Another way to make this dish more interesting, if you insist, is to swap the regular gnocchi with those made of spinach and enjoy another colour and flavor in your lovely dinner.

Whatever you decide, the preparation time will remain short, the process simple and the joy complete! Bon apetit!

Creamy Gnocchi with caramelized onion and tomatoes

Course: Main delightsDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Baking time




  • 1 package of potato gnocchi

  • 3 large tomatoes

  • 3 large onions

  • Fresh or dried oregano and basil

  • 200 ml cooking cream, dairy or vegan

  • 1 small piece of buter or vegan butter

  • Salt and pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 200 C.
  • Cook the gnocchi as per package instructions (as soon as they start emerging on the surface, they’re done). Once the gnocchi is cooked, drain them and transfer into a lasagna dish, which you’ve greased with a bit of butter or oil.
  • Make sure to spread the gnocchi evenly into the trey, creating one layer. Pour the cooking cream over the gnocchi – again, evenly – and place it for baking at 200C for about 20-25 mins.
  • In the meantime, chop the tomatoes into cubes and onions into thin slices. Heat a piece of butter in a medium-size cooking pan and add the onions.
  • Cook the onions until they become golden. Now add the tomatoes, herbs and salt and cook until the tomato dissolves and releases the juices.
  • Once the gnocchi are done, pour the onion and tomato topping, sprinkle with herbs or parsley and serve.

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