homemade quinoa crackers

Homemade mixed quinoa crackers

It is very interesting to experiment with different cereals and discover a variety of characters.

I used to use only wheat for preparing crackers. Then I discovered spelt (again, a type of wheat but healthier) and loved how easy it is for baking. Oat is also among my favorites. However, after I’ve successfully made a savory snack out of a cooked rice leftover, I decided to try the same with quinoa. This is how homemade quinoa crackers were born.

To prepare them, you can use any kind of quinoa. I had a leftover of cooked quinoa mix – white and red. This turned out perfectly since white ones are more sticky and red ones more crunchy. Fantastically balanced texture.

However, make sure not to overcook quinoa! It will result in a very sticky mass.

For the best results, you should bake them with a fan option. It will make sure the crackers are thin and easy to break by hand. However, start with the regular baking program and switch to fan for the last 10 mins.

Homemade quinoa crackers are a perfect companion to an appetizing sauce. Such crisp snack pairs perfectly with creamy dips. It doesn’t get much creamier than this fantastic avocado cashew nut dip.

Homemade mixed quinoa crackers

Course: Desserts


Prep time


Cooking time



Try these crispy, guilt-free and gluten-free crackers made of quinoa. Feel free to add all your favorite seeds and herbs.


  • 100 gr cooked mixed quinoa

  • 2 tbsp of olive oil

  • Sesame seeds

  • Salt

  • Water if needed


  • Preheat the oven to 200C.
  • Transfer cooked quinoa to a blender or a chopper. Add all the remaining ingredients and pulse.
  • Blend until you see that white quinoa is completely creamy.
  • Prepare a piece of parchment paper. Carefully transfer the blended mixture onto the paper and press it with another sheet of paper.
  • Flatten with a rolling pin. Slowly remove the top paper and transfer the crackers with bottom paper onto a baking tray.
  • Bake for around 20 mins and then switch to fan option for another 5-10. Crackers should be golden brown and crunchy.

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