tabbouleh salad

Refreshing tabbouleh salad

Simple meals can be extremely tasty – tabbouleh, the famous Mediterranean salad, proves the theory well. It takes no cooking skills to prepare this fantastic salad, packed with fibers and vitamins.

Tabbouleh is originally prepared with garlic. But, if raw garlic bothers you as it does me, skip it; the salad won’t lose the aroma. Fresh mint and parsley, combined with mildly nutty bulgur and raw veggies will be more than satisfying.

Some versions of tabbouleh can contain green salad. If you’re aiming to introduce more green leafy veggies into your diet (and you always should), finely chop a few leaves of fresh spinach or chard and add it to the salad. It will boost the nutritional value without changing the taste.

This fantastically refreshing and healthy salad goes perfectly with spicy red lentil balls. Enjoy!

Refreshing tabbouleh salad

Course: SaladsDifficulty: Super-easy


Prep time


Cooking time



This perfect summer side dish is extremely refreshing, healthy and tasty. Tabbouleh is super simple to make and brings the dash of the flavourful Eastern Mediterranean cuisine to your table.


  • 150 gr of bulgur wheat

  • 1 fresh tomato

  • 1 small of ½ of a large cucumber

  • Fresh parsley

  • Fresh mint

  • Juice of ½ lemon

  • Olive oil

  • Salt


  • Cook the bulgur according to the package instructions.* Drain and let it cool.
  • In the meantime, chop the herbs and veggies. Remove the heart from the tomato before chopping it into small cubes. Peel and chop the cucumber into small pieces.
  • Mix the veggies and herbs into the bulgur.
  • Pour the lemon juice and olive oil, season with salt and mix well.
  • The salad is perfect once cooled a bit, but can be served warm, too. 


  • *Should be 2 cups of water per 1 cup of bulgur.

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